The Future of Self Storage
by Tony Lord

I have been in the self storage industry for many years and have been absolutely baffled by how complicated and time consuming it can be- not anymore! With Mobile self storage we have revolutionised how you can get all your valued (or not so valued) possessions into a safe place while you renovate your home, move home or you purely want extra space away from the home to prevent arguments with the ‘Mrs’.
With mobile self storage literally at your fingertips here at the MCR self storage Company you can call us or book online or just take a look at our website and to see our promotional videos on domestic, business and student storage solutions.
Just to rewind to my previous comment and how complicated self storage can be, I digress. A friend and I stored at a self storage company before I got into the industry and was faced with many tricky sets of processes to complete. First of all you have to get your stuff to the storage centre. ‘Boom!’ Lets hire a van we said and not too complicated one would think. Hmmm, well sometimes a clean driving license is required. Oops, I got caught speeding, naughty, naughty, I know, but nobody is perfect. You are then presented with a stack of forms about liability, insurance, vehicle inspections, I’m getting palpitations just thinking about it- I can go on but to be frank, I’m getting bored just talking about it.
Okay, we have our nice shiny van and we are excited with our little road trip to load our van up with our stuff for the first time. Cool, the van is full and we are off to the storage centre. We pull up at the centre and are greeted with the staff who show us where our storage unit is in the building. The staff member shows us our trolley to put our stuff on to take to our unit. We then get in a lift go to the 3rd floor go down a multitude of corridors and then we are there at our storage unit, sweet(!)
We get to it! Trolley after trolley up and down a lift in and out of windy corridors load after load we fill the up our first load of stuff, (I repeat) the first load. I am already thinking to myself i am going to have to do this another 3 maybe 4 times before i have all my stuff in store…. Brilliant(!) I am on my last trip and very sweaty and the road trip is now getting very tedious. We get to our unit with our load of stuff and realise the van load we have in the carpark is not going to fit into this unit. I feel the tears in my eyes forming, what do we do? I ask the member of staff if they have a bigger room, ‘YES, we do.’ says the manager. That’s great, I think to myself I have now got to move all my stuff to another floor down, another set of Labyrinthian corridors (superb!!!!!!). Eventually the job gets done and we return the van to the rental store. The inspections start and some nice guy has put a great big dint in the door with their car door, a sharp intake of breath from the rental guys suggest this is going to cost me, and indeed it does. I have now lost my security deposit and my last shred of patience.
The Solution…. You know.